Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Computer Revolution/Hardware/Power Supply

The power supply is a device that provides the computer with the proper needed electricity. It is the device in the tower that the power cord plugs into. This device converts AC (alternating current) to DC (directing current). This is necessary because computers run on direct current. In this power supply, there is a fan to keep it cool because electricity often causes heat. In Brief, the power supply takes AC current from the wall plug, converts it into direct current, and puts it into the motherboard, CD-ROM, and other devices in the tower that require electricity.

There are things to protect a computer from electrical problems; they are: -Surge Protectors -Voltage Regulators -and UPS

A surge protector protects the computer from being damaged from high volts every once in a while; spikes or surges.

A Voltage Regulator protects the computer from being damaged by low volts. For example, when the power is lower than usual for a second or two.

A UPS (uninterruptible power supply) protects the computer from power failures. For example, when the power cuts out for a little while. The UPS instantly goes into action and runs the computer for at least five minutes. This gives the user a chance to save all the open work if necessary.

All the aforementioned devices connect between the wall outlet and the power supply.


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